Sunday, March 11, 2007

Some questions are easy to answer

Some questions are easy to answer and some are more difficult. When we have Nemo & Nema I suspect people will ask lots of questions. I want to be prepared to answer them. Let's practice how to answer some questions.

Where are Nemo & Nema from? They're from Connecticut. They were born in Ethiopia and are now U.S. citizens.

Who are their real parents? Their real parents, Rick & Kateri, are raising them. They also have birthparents in Ethiopia.

How much did it cost to adopt? The average is between $15,000- $21,000 depending on the country. If someone is truly interested I'll give more details. Often people hear adoption costs a lot and they're validating if its true. I indulge this question so hopefully enough awareness will be raised so employers will give the same benefits to adoptive parents as birthparents.

Why did their parents give them up? This will need to be tailored after we adopt. The short answer is, "Their parents loved them very much and their decision to make an adoption plan was very unselfish. They wanted Nemo & Nema to be raised in a family that would be able to care for them and love them."

How much do you know about Nemo & Nema's real family? I believe you're asking about their birth-family. We know enough to share this private information with Nemo & Nema. Nemo & Nema will decide if and when they want to share this information.

Who loves you baby? We do and we can't wait to get you home.

1 comment:

Nobody said...

Bears crap and goats pee. Thanks for the encouraging post. We love you guys and miss you lots. I am worn out, so pray for us. When Mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.