Thursday, January 18, 2007


"Timket, or Timkat, is Ethiopian language for Epiphany. Although the holiday commemorating Christ's baptism in the River Jordan is observed by Christians all over the world, Timket is of special significance in Ethiopia. It is the most important and colourful event of the year.
The festival starts at Timket Eve, January 18, eleven days after the orthodox Christmas. Although the festival is largely religious, it has no lack of secular elements such as partying and match-making." This was taken from click here.

To learn more about Ethiopia's Timket click here.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I found your blog! Will check it often.

Rhonda http.//

Blondie said...

Okay, I am visiting your blog, making myself known (seeing as it is de-lurk month) and saying HI! Glad to be aboard the Ethio adoption train with you.

xx blondie

PS Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog.