Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Fart Proudly

"He that is conscious of
A Stink in his Breeches,
Is jealous of every Wrinkle
In another’s Nose."
-Benjamin Franklin,
Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1751

Back in Benjamin Franklin’s day, so I hear, people were much more inclined to speak of "hot" issues. They weren’t so concerned with offending another or being politically correct. You could use strong words like fart or even dare I say Lord. People actually let them rip when nature called. Today were so evolved we don’t want to offend anyone. Consequently, we avoid any type of controversy. This has left us impotent in our ability to discover truth or sharpen views through amicable discussions with one another. I recognize this with my self. In the world of adoption as we continue to broaden our understanding of the issues involved it becomes more and more apparent how many people have distorted views of adoption. It’s so easy to see because I saw them in myself first. One view that comes into play over and over is the- aren’t we the Mother Teresa type of people because we’re adopting.

Often when we share with people that we’re adopting from Ethiopia we hear "You folks are very Christian for doing that." Or "That will be one very lucky child." Not the kind of lucky because Rick and I are so very wonderful (although that is sometimes the meaning). Most of the time they mean because we’ll be bringing a child from a very poor nation to a very wealthy nation. Seems pretty harmless huh. Flash forward 10 years when Nemo and Nema is witness to this conversation. What does that communicate to them? That we’re their savior’s. That they’re indebted to us. Not the breeding ground for the foundation of unconditional love type of family.

It has a very subtle delivery of the viewpoint that adoption is second best, second choice, or last resort. My respect and honor to those who it was their first choice. For me it was my second choice. My first choice was the way of Adam and Eve. God had a different plan for me. Like Jesus in the garden I did say, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." Trouble is I put a lot of focus on the first part of the scripture, take this cup away. God is very patient. For longer than I care to admit I tried to convince him to do it my way. I never thought adoption would be my best choice. What I soon discovered is God can change your heart. Its my hearts desire to adopt from Ethiopia. I long for it and dream if it like any expectant mother. Its no longer my second choice. It’s God’s plan for our lives. It’s His will and His will be done (if I just learn to get out of the way).
Because we’re adopting transnational and transcultural children we’ll have many opportunities to be ambassadors of adoption. Helping to dispel false perceptions or stop perpetuating adoption myths. To do this we’re going to have to hit controversial subjects head-on. We’ll need to fart proudly.


Nobody said...

No one turns a phrase quite like you do darlin'!

How about this one: "I could never do what you're doing!"

OK, so what makes us so darned special? And don't congratulate me, I haven't done it yet! Well, we have the children and and all, but doing it implies some sort of success or conclusion, right? I'm of the persuasion that this will never end!

Nobody said...

Never, ever.

Lisa, Pierre, Marika,Karelle, Yakim, Tarik and Zavier said...

Thanks for posting a comment on my blog, I now will read your blog as well :)


Jenn said...

Fabulous post. The past 24 hours I have been reflecting on how God has called us to adopt. And single-mindedly focusing on His direction. He used what you wrote as a confirmation that we are in His will.

This is so true, "Today were so evolved we don’t want to offend anyone. Consequently, we avoid any type of controversy. This has left us impotent in our ability to discover truth or sharpen views through amicable discussions with one another. "

And this touched me deeply, "Its my hearts desire to adopt from Ethiopia. I long for it and dream if it like any expectant mother. Its no longer my second choice. It’s God’s plan for our lives. It’s His will and His will be done "

thank you.